1er Mai 2013 - 1er Mai 2014
The blog has one year this day.
For this new year which begins, the design and the conception were totally revised.
Thanks to Malphas Emor for the brought help without whom not have been able to be born.
During this year :
- More than 7900 vues, principally USA - Europe ( France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Ukrainia and United Kingdom) - Indonesia - Bresil - Russia -
- 300 posts
- 37 designers
- 10 Events
- 56 followers on the blog
- New on the blog : the social network and the new widget Flickr
Thanks to all the designers and sponsors who trust me. Thanks to all the Events owners with which I was able to work. Thank you to all the people who are faithfull to me through the blog. And finally, a big thanks to my photographers.